Sunday, September 28, 2008

Telephone Piece - Yoko Ono - LT

It may be bizarre that the world's most used device is a work of art - but behold - Ono has transforme what we take telecommunication for granted to be, into conceptual art.

Following from my previous art post, this telephone piece is not for aesthetics. It is about incorporating the viewer to appreciate the moment as a whole, and not just understanding the artwork from a distance. By removing the barriers that keep us away from the artwork, the telephone piece actually works and gives the audience an actual chance to listen to Ono and her logic behind the artwork.

It's amazing what this seemingly ordinary object can stand for when you understand the contextual significance.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

so what barriers is she removing exactly?
as a piece of technology that has become part of our everyday lives, has ono tried to place it on a pedestal to show how important the object has become?