Tuesday, August 5, 2008

197 - 182 = 15 - LT

Simple Maths, if I do say so myself. Why so significant? Meet the younger brother of the outgoing Renault Cliosport 182. Say hello to Cliosport 197. And say hello to the extra 15 hp that comes out of this 2.0L N/A engine. Those 15 extra horses give this little package the equivalent of 145 wild horses - ready to explode from the barriers into the cruel cruel rat race. Quite like a small terrier waiting for that moment the door opens so that the sweet taste of freedom will embrace its sensitive and curious nose.
If you had qualms about the pug (peugeot 207 gti), this will be the answer. In fact, it is the solution to most mathematically challenging questions.
And not only does it defy numbers, this pocket monster defies straight lines. Notice the sign? It was literally as rigid as a homophobe. And look how bendy it is now. I'll leave the handling to your imagination. At a moderate 37k for a european machine, you may add this to the notes you must get off people when attempting financial maths.

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