Friday, December 5, 2008

Diary of an Ex-Pat - LT

One must realise that the office in itself is an environment with its own distinctive characteristics, much like how capital cities are defined by some prominent features. In this regard, the heart of the office should be defined by its watercooler. Ah, the classic anonymous watercooler where the workers can take a moment to exit from the frenzy of deadlines to gossip. In my two days at my new place, there is indeed a set ritual for which office workers decide to 'coincidentally' take their breaks for the chitchat at the office pantry (which by the way has no powdered milk tea =O ).

Also, as with any society, there is a hierachy from which one must begin their journey in a company. I dub the first tier 'OB'. Whilst the older generations, i.e. our parents, will recall the days of being an OB as the "office boy", I would like to rephrase this term - "office bitch". And ladies and gentleman, that is the base rung of the office worker ladder. As I have recently discovered, as you become friendly with your micro-society/department, the degrees of OB advance and slowly you become integrated and trusted to handle more and more arduous tasks. And that my friends, is the path which I am travelling in my quest to conquer a foreign office environment. Sadly, any tertiary education I have received so far have proven useless as tools to get ahead. Hrm.

In other news, my phone refuses to recharge itself. And the exchange rate has made what were once attractive sales into prices which are still debatable.

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