the same race that tried to build the tower of Babel, has built another tower.
a tower of obesity.
heralding from my homestate of California....
i give you the 100x100how does this baby work? well in in-n-out, a SoCal fastfood chain store you can order their icon "double double" that's two beef patty, two pieces of cheese and no veggies between hamburger bread. previously it had become urban legend that customers started order 5x5s, and 10x10s, ie 10 beef patties 10 pieces of cheese. Well i think we found the alpha male.
this tower carries a meager 19490 calories. and costs $97.88US
the dude took 2 hours to eat it. yeah that's right. the dude ate it....
if that's not enough heart attack in a meal for you.. i mean 19000 calories.. welll in-n-out's other specialty is animal fries (pictured above).. and you wonder why they call it in n out.. looks like vomit on fries.. but rest assured.. the dish is a thing of beauty. even if you're watching your weight, on a diet, or one of the olsen twins - you have to try these two of man's greatest creations out at least once in your live. Ok, maybe not a 100x100, but a double double at least. In the end, it's just gonna go in and out.
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