Wednesday, December 31, 2008
Tuesday, December 30, 2008
Diary of an OB - LT
I have this really bad problem where my mind is working on a completely different plane as the person who is communicating with me. For lack of a better description, (or in some cases - to accurately describe this condition) I am just daydreaming when people are talking to me.
So, what do I do? To combat this serious character flaw, my mind has developed a way to contextualise everything so that when I do return to the conversation, I can deduce what was said and give the appropriate response. Normally this works alright. It seems my mind can process stuff like a Intel Core DUO and think of my own stuff in one half of the brain and then absorb the things going on around me in the other half.
Unfortunately, I think this skill I have learnt is only operable when I am immersed in the English language to which I am most familiar with. When another language is involved, it is harder for my strange ability to function. For example, I have seen glimpses of this design flaw when I was learning Japanese during high school. I'd pretty much deduce as best I could what the other person was saying and give my response. More often than not, I would give retarded replies which made no logical flowing sense.
That is the case here. I think I did it again where one of my colleagues asked me something but I did not understand/was only half listening and gave the most incoherent response. Now I am embarrased. And I'm pretty sure I've done this on more than one occasion. Damn.
I am now severely handicapped in rising up the OB ladder because of this. It could almost spell the end of the ascent and the beginning of the spiralling fall as people start to realise I'm a nub. (Noooooooooooo.) But the weird thing is, they keep feeding me stuff like I'm a guinea pig. Alarm bells are ringing! =O
This morning was slightly eventful with an actual research task handed to me but I think with this anti-epiphany, any slight rise in OB-ness was immediately negated.
Friday, December 26, 2008
Diary of an OB - LT
Ok lets talk about food. Aside from the fact that my room is not actually very stereotypical of the demographics of the neighbourhood, the quality of living here is very enjoyable and multicultural. You have the random ex-pats who are actually ex-pats to add that twist of culture, you have the residential mixed with the small local shops that gives it that bit of homeliness and originality and you have the semi-convenient transportation network.
Today, I decided to try out a few restaurants around my place, (just like taste testing Anzac Parade at UNSW) and to my suprise, its semi decent. I say semi because the first two restaurants I tried had their mega downfalls. For example, Cafe "A" had alright congee, but too steep a price, Cafe "B" had better priced congee but laced with what I suspect to be MSG. DPD (Dai Pai Dong) "A" had good BBQ Pork Rice but it had the most seediest environment that would turn your stomach.
This leaves the Shanghai Restaurant which I must say I WILL GO BACK TO ZOMG. So when people do come, I think I'll take you out to this one because I think it has rather homely style dumplings and awesome shanghainese noodles. To top it off, it has the best chilli sauce EVERRRRRR. This restaurant left a rather good impression, except for the mandatory service fee charge so I didn't bother to tip them with my satisfaction. I deduced it must have been good because the first night I discovered it, there were a few people reading its public menu (even though its in a secluded side street) and it had newspaper clippings of what I presume to be an editorial on its overall package. But all in all, very pleasing!
Partly because I got paid for the first time in so long last week, and partly because it's Christmas time (but mostly because I got paid for the first time in so long last week), I bought myself a couple of things while Christmas shopping.+ Youth & Young Manhood and Aha Shake Heartbreak because they were $9.99 for the two at JB Hi-Fi. Haven't had much chance to listen to all of them but I doubt I'll be disappointed.
I also bought a new blue French cuff shirt. At least I think that's what it is. Wikipedia can only aid so much in my knowledge of fashion without pictures. A bargain with the 30% discount with a Country Road card. Shame they didn't have it in 37. Not to worry, I'm well on course to hit 70kgs.
I can only think of three more things that I would really want. World peace.
Soccer boots. Not fussed as to what kind so long as they're affordable, comfortable and durable. It'd be preferred if they weren't Nike though, as they seem to be by far the biggest player in this oligopolized market. But in honest truth, I'd rather a bag of soccer skill for Boxing Day.
You may recognize Jessy Schram as the young Alison in Medium, Rachel Seybolt in Life or as it turns out, Maxim. There are countless famous women I could only dream of that could be posted but they would all illustrate the same point.
Merry Boxing Day everybody.
Wednesday, December 24, 2008
Diary of an OB - LT
Let's talk about introductions today.
Since I've started working here, I've always had the intention to introduce myself to the director of some other department that sits in the room behind me, but I've never really had the courage to overcome the awkwardness and break that proverbial ice. I've left it so late that he's taken leave to go on a holiday...and I'm still sitting here wondering whether I should have or shouldn't have...oops.
In hindsight, I should have probably broken the ice, but contrastingly so should he. I mean his title is Director of "Dept. A", which gives him the authority and freedom to break the ice confidently without making the month seemingly awkward with some random addition sitting in front of his office.
Argh, and speaking of introduction and names, I am so fantastic. I totally did not realise I was calling this girl by the wrong name, (well I told others what her supposed name was) and I only realised JUST then when I read her name card what her real name was. How embarassing...but at least I know now...and I hope I don't get written off as some chump. I thought I was good with names and faces, but apparently not.
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
Boredom - SL
Law, I'm speechless that you have created such an image in your mind, and now in everyone else's mind... lol
But to cure some of your boredom in HK, here are two pretty interesting vids I found, so enjoy!
Also, MERRY CHRISTMAS to all! =)
PC vs Mac - Transformer Style
Hectic driving I one day wish to master
Diary of an OB - LT
With the lead up into Christmas, I have found myself back to square one where there is NOTHING to do. And as I have learnt in the beginning of this internship, the internet only has so much you can do before it too gets boring. But at least me typing sounds productive and staring at the screen makes me look like I'm doing something constructive.
I was pleasantly warned about this at 10am this morning. The time now is 12:29 and NOTTTTTHIIIINGGGGG has to be done. I used to deliberately go get drinks from the fridge or make some milo or something, but even now I am too lazy. Like a true copycat of the cult coffee drinker, I have limited myself to that morning cup of milo, then no more.
O, today I opened the office fridge and the entire fridge was filled with canned drinks. It was amazing, especially with the soft glow of the fridge light highlighting the outlines of each can like Jesus rays or something. (speaking of Jesus, David Kwan's invitation was the funniest thing which I read today)
In Hong Kong, people drink this:It is the most disgusting variant of water ever. Worse than Evian. Imagine fizzy mineral water with some weird twang. It does not even make you go "Ah" after you drink it like when you take a gulp of coke. And before you say you can mix this with say fruit juice like tonic water, people here drink it straight. It's not for the soft - mixing this drink is for the soft. I'm so shocked this thing even sells and is packed into the fridge. Coke should dominnnnnaaaattteeeeeeee.
EDIT: Man, people in China have it tough. They had to request to get a holiday for the 25th and 26th of December....
Monday, December 22, 2008
Diary of an OB - LT
I have finally succumb to temptation and changed the title of this series to something more relevant and easily understood. (If you had been keeping up with each entry).
Anyway, I was looking at the blistex Steve gave me and the most homosexual thought popped into my head. It was like indirectly kissing him, because he gave me those lip products with love and the soothing nourishing nature of blistex was like making love to my o-so-dry lips. So I strangely concluded that I was indirectly kissing Steve. Please do not ask how random the situation must have been in order for me to have conjured up this retrospectively wrong image...especially you Steve...
Anyway, so with many friends going on exchange, consider this blog as a scale model glimpse of what life will be like by yourselves in another country, and prepare yourself for the same atrocities I have endured. At the same time, I can now plan for my world trip assault complete with free accommodation at various universitarial lodgings. How good is that! Peter's been nagging to go to Europe next summer, and now we have a place to stay, Jon's place. (Just like old times in Australia). I think a deserved break is in order at the end of next year! (Fingers Croxxed!)
Anyway, I haven't been really feeling this Christmas spirit that you would normally get as a kid. Maybe I'm too mature and cynical to fall for the cheap marketing ploys used by those greedy bastards. Or maybe those that prey on the feint hearted don't have the money to artificially create that Christmas rush to buy heaps of presents. Or, less likely, everyone has decided that buying stuff is for gimps and that they have all adopted the approach of recognising Jesus' birth only. I'm suprised that they even consider there to be a credit crisis when all these random mainlanders take daily trips down to the city, lugging around a roller suitcase, and filling it up with merchandise. Where is ze money coming from?! You can has money to spend!?
Also, I must document this momentous thought. Today, I had half a mind not to finish the McDonald's fries. It was almost blasphemous and sacrilegous. In fear of suffering the wrath from the God of Wastage, I obeyed the commandment that thou shalt think of kids in Africa and did not waste the chips. But, I think I'm slowly thinking of salads on a permanent basis. This is momentous.
Friday, December 19, 2008
Diary of an Ex-Pat - LT
I have a really big urge to rename these posts OB's report but I'll need to put up a poll for that (if I knew how to) so for the sake of consistency, I shall keep it "Diary of an Ex-Pat".
I think I have come to another revelation about myself. I am a closet clean freak. Today I saw my second cockroach in the room which seriously tipped me over the edge. Like can these bad boys seriously annoy someone else. And these aren't your regular bad boys either. If you thought the road bike gang was bad ass, these cockroaches belong to the mafia. HUGE. Disgustingly oversized mafuggas. And living by oneself, on minimal resources inside the house, its a stress to find a way to kill and dispose of them. Hence my current obsession with dettol. Man I've used up the whole communal Mortein in the building to fumigate my room. I even did a random home improvement where I took masking tape and masked up every god damn nook and cranny in the room and IT STILL FOUND A WAY. WTF IS THIS MAAN. LEAVE ME ALONE. ARGH.
Tonight the assault continues. My campaign to kill these bastards marches forward. I'm so on tilt when I go to sleep that a damn cockroach will venture into my room. OMG CAN THEY JUST PISS OFF. I'm seriously gonna go nuts or something. Man life of an OB, what can I say? Seriously so annoying. SO ANNOYING SO ANNOYING. Man when the clock strikes 6, I'm donning the gloves and gonna hole up my place again. Such a pathetic title to call my building a serviced apartment. The only service I'm getting is some random making my bed sheets ONCE A WEEK ONLY? ARE YOU RETARDEDLY LAZY? And internet, which has emotional tyrades where one night it will be God's gift and the next night it will be suffering from lag city. So fail. O and they said they'll replenish my toilet paper but WTF EACH MONDAY I LOSE LIKE A FEW CENTIMETRES of radius. WTF. SO RAGE RIGHT NOW. RAWR.
Yes, so I realise:
a) I need my mum to protect me from GODDAMN BUGS (EFF THE HELL OFF).
b) I need a pest control dude ASAP
c) I need to complain the bejesus to management (dogpoo paper bag on doormat)
d) Continue my alliance with dettol and Mortein, and possibly get a face mask so I won't get some random lung disease
e) E for Edit: Having a really lax December means that I can do heaps of thinking and have multiple epiphanies within a day. In fact, I should seriously keep a record of this stuff. It's those type of revelations that make your heart flutter a bit because what you have just thought of was so immense. Like finding out HUNG WATCHES BATTLESTAR GALAZITICAZZZZZZZZZ.
(on a side note: lol if I go back to Australia and lose my passion for cleanliness. It's dangerously forseeable that this will occur.)
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
Diary of an Ex-Pat - LT
Ergonomics Revisited.
Recently I have developed the worst neck strain ever and it periodically will pulsate pain throughout the back of my eye causing much irritation. No matter how much I stretch the area or massage it, the pain is still there and I think it has something to do with my slacking off in ergonomically working. I thought that by becoming more man as I sit in this chair, I would soon become immune to eye strains etc. Alas I was wrong. So to rectify, I only JUST realised, the arm rests on this chair were also level ergonomics anyone?
Furthermore, I have cleaned out Watsons of most dettol products. I am now dettol freak and there is dettol everywhere in the place that I am living in. Germs, beware: dettol coming atcha! Anyway, there's no updates on my dietary plans either as I haven't really bothered to go out and get sandwich filling etc. My god, my neck is retarded now, I think I'm gonna touch everything on this desk to make it ergonomically friendly.
Upon reflection, not only has this spiritual journey enlightened me on self survival (Yes, Ambrose, I should now be featured on Man vs Wild), I have also become self conscious about hygiene and ergonomics. Maturity +1!
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
Diary of an Ex-Pat - LT
It has come to my attention that people studying in the UK are cheaters. Yes, I accuse you of cheating. It seems rather unfair that people within the Common Law system have different time periods til graduation!
Notably, and comparatively speaking, the average time it takes a law undergraduate in the UK to graduate is 3 years, whilst it takes the law undergraduate in Australia 5. Whilst we in Australia may get a double degree recognition, can someone please explain why UK-ians get to study a single law degree? WHY? Per say that my chosen vocation is law - then I am effectively wasting 2 years of my life when I should have gone to the UK to study...No but I didn't waste it because UNSW > all other universities out there. Yes, fear meeeeeee.
Just a rant. No offence intended. No, but seriously...
An OB's Christmas List - LT

Finally, these are the sickest glasses an OB can afford. Battlestar Galatica anyone? I kid you not, these are actually on sale in HK.
CFWIA keo version. - KY
Economic depression be darned..
Monday, December 15, 2008
Diary of an Ex-Pat - LT
Whilst I shall just quickly say that it was a great privilege and experience for a mere OB to attend a Christmas Party, to which I might add that I had mega deja vu about, the crux of this post is about a solitary OB surviving on staples in a foreign land.
For the past week, I have stashed away countless amounts of cup noodles. Given the freedom to choose whatever the hell I wanted, I went nuts and chose one of every flavour and kind that I would eat. It has now been a week, and I am down to my last cup. And boy am I sick of cup noodles. In fact, I'm sick. Full stop. There is only so much a lowly OB's stomach can take until it says "please sir, can I have non-processed food". On a fateful Sunday morning, my stomach made its final push, the campaign to raise awareness of the dangerously low nutrition levels in my body. Vommitting was actually quite slow and painful and I knew, lurched over the toilet bowl, that this lifestyle totally sucked. Continual DGL totally sucks. Hong Kong seems to have a sucky food network built upon franchise and fast food. How does the OB counter?
Well I go onto some next level stuff. With the constraint of minimal washing (if any) I have now graduated from cup noodles onto making sandwiches with wholemeal grain wheat bread. Well that's the plan. That way, I don't really feel like I'm eating fast food thats been processed and the likes and this way I might be able to refresh my appetite. So the canape training I underwent earlier before I left on my spiritual journey shall come in handy. Lucky I signed up for canape training. Another thing about living by one self is I think I have reached my limit for cleanliness. At first I thought being a guy and all that I would have a limitless tolerance to mess and the likes, but with the lack of carpet etc, and the collection of dust, I discovered that there is a point where I too feel like its time to clean. Having never really attempted to clean in my life, this will be a steep learning curve. In fact too steep. In fact, I wish my Mum was here or like I had a helper in the house (HK-ers will understand what I mean). However, shame on those HK-ers that use and abuse maids and treat them non humanely. But I did funnily come across a story where apparently this is the best job on earth because they do easy chores and get paid alright for it and then go back to their homeland and live like Queens. So...yes, the main point of the story is, the OB has rejected processed food, but as an afterthought, I might want to test myself out again and just have trashy foods for the heck of it until I next vommit.
AIWFC AT. edition - AT.
All I Want for Christmas- DW version
I think everyone on the rainy team should do a Christmas list- Christmas is only a short 2 weeks away and I love it. Christmas for me is basically a scramble of food (prawns and cherries) and decorations and love. It brings so much excitement and happiness to so many people, from all races, religions- everyone. So this is my dream list, 8 things that would be mine if magic was real :) (read: money and bribing and kidnapping was of no issue)
In no particular order:
I actually went to Incu to try them on, they're in the men's jewellery section. Alas, my puny fingers dont fit, but online there are a range of sizes, from 6 to a massive 11.5 i think. SO PRETTY. I'm definately going to find lots of cool rings on my asia trip this time.
J and I are planning a trip. I've always wanted to go to the goldcoast again before I get massively old, it just seems like the right time to go, especially since uni is starting and everyone is going away for exchange/work.

Definately getting these in HK. But not the obnoxiously hideous pube-like brown ones. ew.
6. Bags of all colours from Net-a-porter and Mulberry,
even though I would prefer shoes.. actually maybe all the shoes as well. +marni ugly sandals from last last season.
I want to steal my dad's EOS-1ds mark II. He won't let me. Plus it's peak time for cherries.
Friday, December 12, 2008
Chris and Tibor- DW
Am I the only person that didn't look at the bag first, and looked at the impossibly good looking model?
Launched in the summer of 2005, CHRIS&TIBOR is a young London label offering bags that are sporty and retro, cutting edge and classic, luxurious and casual. The brand is also the result of fashion designer Chris Liu’s quest for the perfect gym bag. Dissatisfied with what was on the market he decided to hand make his own. This prototype soon attracted the attention of graphic designer Tibor Matyas who saw the potential for a men's bag collection.
Encouraged by the popularity of their product among friends the East London based duo decided to design a mini collection which was instantly snapped up by Harvey Nichols Hong Kong and Japanese retail giant United Arrows. Their AW06/07 offering was what the two call their first "proper collection". It was also promptly selected by Pitti Uomo to be part of the hugely popular and highly influential trade show's New Beats area.
"We live in East London, we design in East London and we produce in East London" confirm the designers who both used to work as design consultants for the quintessentially British brand Burberry Prorsum. "We name all our bags after streets, areas or buildings in East London and the City".
AW07/08 will see the brand's eagerly awaited first women's collection. "We have not totally changed our product to make it very obviously feminine. That's not what our female customers want", they say. Instead they kept their silhouettes but opted for softer leathers, smaller sizes and subtly feminine touches.
-Text and photos from Totem
Thursday, December 11, 2008
Ella Ella Ellery- DW
Here they are:
The Ellery boots that I ordered about a month and a half ago. Custom made to my measurements. The boots are made out of black suede, gold leather and mass studs taht can be detached and re-attached on to the other side for an even higher-thigh effect. I'm so excited, I can't wait to wear them out when it's a cool night, with a short little dress or tights. ARGH so excited!
Everyone, please check ellery out at coolest boots ever!
Also, they have the meanest dresses and accessories. Former market editor for RUSSH Australia, Kym Ellery, is a true genius.
Boots: Dahto for Ellery, RRP $1500