Thursday, October 30, 2008
Terry Richardson for Obama- DW
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Sunday, October 26, 2008
Ring/Shoe Me- DW

Chronicles of Never- Gareth Moody (Ex-Tsubi, yes, tsubi)
I can't wait till I get my grubby fingers onto one of these babies, geometric shapes, dirty metal, sharp lines. Sex much?
But I have to save money.. Ellery Awaits. (Will post on this exciting news once I stop hyperventilating). If you guys are still curious, google "Kym Ellery" (Ex-Russh, yes, EX)
Edit: Some shoes (excluding thongs + Connies) @ Erics House.
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
My Hero? - DW
Well, not really, but Tina Fey has done her research and has done a fabulous rendition of the candidate for Vice President SARAH "I-CAN-SEE-RUSSIA-FROM-MY-HOUSE" PALIN.
And since this has made headlines around the world, I thought I'd share a bit of humour in these dark times (not financial crisis, but study/exam crisis).
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Saturday, October 18, 2008
Will-a be Agnes? -DW
Look familiar?
On September 5th 2008, it was announced that Gossip Girl creator Josh Schwartz was giving Willa Holland (aka. the OC's Kaitlyn Cooper, Marissa's sister) a at-least-3-episode stint in season 2 of Gossip Girl. Willa will play Agnes, a 16-year old model working for Eleanor Waldorf (aka. Blair's mum). She is to create havoc with Taylor Momsen's character Jenny Humphrey.

xoxo! DW
Friday, October 17, 2008
Real Names - JL
In the UK, The Sun newspaper, wrote an article about the weirdest names in England. Some of them are so slack, it is quite obvious that the parents did not give it much thought when it came down to naming their kids. Well here is the top 20.
Baptised Margate, Kent, 1768.
(She was named after her mum — so the family had a pair of Pleasant Tittys.)
Born Dundry, Somerset, 1803.
EFFING DICKBorn Glasgow, 1848.
Born Holme, Huntingdonshire, 1685.
Baptised Aylsham, Norfolk, 1813.
Born Winsford, Cheshire, 1894.
Born Hackney, London, 1901.
Born Yorkshire, 1851.
Born Bridlington, E Yorks, 1873.
Born Cheshire, 1840.
Born Shoreditch, London, 1894.
Born Stoke-on-Trent, 1871.
Born Ireland, 1821.
Born Poplar, London, 1886.
Born Portsmouth, 1853.
Baptised Earls Colne, Essex, 1585.
Born Ireland, 1811.
Born York, 1895.
Born Notts, 1829.
Married Cardiff, 1905.
Born Hernhill, Kent, 1898.
Thursday, October 16, 2008
Ministry of Food - LT
Changing the world - one meal at a time. Jamie Oliver Currently airing on Channel Ten is his lastest revolution called the Ministry of Food. In fact, in one episode I was completely rapt by the potential change his cause could promote. Beginning with a small county called Rotheram, he plans to change a few select citizens of a quiet British town, and through the word of mouth, create a hype and buzz about healthy eating and recipe swapping.
It's just his crazy ideas and passion to promote better eating which makes this guy so great. Just look down his resume, you have restaurant 15 which he even opened in Melbourne to get homeless people into cooking and create a subculture of food. And then there's School Dinners. A vastly epic feat to change the way UK people eat, starting from the roots.
Very Inspiring.
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
The Great North Bum- JL
The laziest man of England goes to....
Yep. This guy.
I thought I was bad about walking my dog Rocky but this guy takes CBF dog walking to a wwwhoollleee new level.
Kevin Pyke, 35, has been named the laziest man in England for walking his dog while sitting in the car. Thats right. Zero walking is involved. When it is that time of the day to walk the dog, Kevin gets his son to drive him around the block slowly and, with his arm stretched out of the window, holds a leash with Bruce walking alongside.
He claims he actually covers more ground by doing so. He said: "It sounds terrible that I take Bruce for a walk like that, but it saves me from getting wet when it's raining."
The competition bosses say Mr Pyle won by a landslide.
Monday, October 13, 2008
Saturday, October 11, 2008
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
Gold Coin Donation Please. - JL
Designed by Jethro Macey, the COIN LAMP requires you to insert coins before it lights up. It even has sensors that detect how much money you have put in. The more you put, the longer it will stay on.
The Coin Lamp is the first product in a range based on the concept of values and reward, subtly heightening the awareness of consumption through its unique design.
What a way to rip your friends off when they come over.
No Homo - LT
Raviol-E- DW
Everyone should go see wall-e. It made me cry. Like all other movies, but this one is different. I promise.
Onto more UNINSPIRING news, Chloe looks like a pasta-bake. Ravioli anyone? Click on images to see the pasta up close and personal. Hannah MacGibbon in her first season for chloe-wasn't too bad, and definately not as bad as I make it out to be (bar the pasta-like creations). Some were inspiring, the white dress in the collage below included. DELICIOUS much? Like Marc Jacobs. But I guess it's a good thing that Chloe's been brought back to an affordable (ish) house, a far cry from the ridiculous 6000dollar dresses that were tres plain. Let's see what Hannah has in store for us in the latter seasons.
Marchesa by Georgina Chapman and Keren Craig. Georgina is the designer of this luscious house, and is also married to HARVEY WEINSTEIN. Yes, the fat man who is worth hundreds of millions from his movie franchises. UGH. But I've loved Marchesa since their first collection which inspired Chic Collections in Sydney to make that dress that I bought and wore for my year 12 formal. Same dress, an eighth (or something) of the price. (but still the same price as a pair of Chanal Optics... sigh*)
More POLITICS TO COME. Everyone go on youtube and watch Jon Stewart. Type "palin" and "jon stewart" or alternatively type "obama" and "letterman" and watch his hilarious interview.
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
Monday, October 6, 2008
Sunday, October 5, 2008
My Favourite Collection for RTW (Ready-To-Wear for Noobs) is BALMAIN. Can I say SEX much? It combines everything that is cool- bandage, black, metal, tie-dye (only cool in monochrome), rips, zips, leather, sexy jewel-tones. GIMME GIMME MORE.
Honourable mentions: YSL, Stella McCartney (Click images for greater detail)
YSL is so sexy. Soft silhouettes with a hint of transparency and fluid shapes.
Stella McCartney is the only person that makes my most hated "safari" theme bearable and lust-worthy.
Ah McCain, She's done it again- DW(Z)
This is a woman that opposes abortion even in the cases of incest and rape.
I've never been really into American politics, but this woman. Is actually stupid and ignorant. I actually hate her- she just has no idea what she's talking about, and she didn't even study Obama's policies properly, she misquotes and she attacks Obama by saying that he voted against tax reductions, but McCain voted the same + more. AGDHADGHADHJGADHJAGDH
I think this is the only time that I wish I was American, so I could vote against her. She always brings up that she was a mayor and she was governor. BIG WOOP.
"Ah McCain, She's done it again."
on another note: GLASSES
Saturday, October 4, 2008
Sarah Palin nubs it - DK
Hey, I have nothing against Sarah Palin and I'm sure many people out there support her. But this interview is just funny.
When asked about her foreign policy experience, Palin answers by stating the proximity between Alaska and Russia and how they are 'right next to each other.'
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